Dear customers, we appreciate your interest in DK Plant and we will still love your vision and do our best to realize all of our dreams come true.

Delivery performance by business sector

Let¡¯s make things better

For the better service and Customer¡¯s satisfaction all DK Plant members devote all their energies to continuously improve on R&D and Manufacturing as a way of expressing our gratitude to our customers. DK Plant will keep on growing with global mind, and become the most trustworthy partner based on the mutual trust.

Global Mind DK Plant

From basic design of factory machinery to construction to post-management after completion.

Product Photography

Operate mandatory requirement program for Quality Assurance.


T.+82-51-271-1342 / F.+82-51-271-1348

  • - Monday ~ Friday : AM 08 : 00 ~ PM 06 : 00
  • - Lunch time : PM 12 : 00 ~ PM 01 : 00
  • - Saturdays, Sundays, holidays : Closed
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